Product / UX Designer
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eBay Seller Hub & Design Sprint

eBay Seller Hub

Project type: B2B

Role & responsibilities: Senior Product Designer, responsible for end-to-end user experience and design of various B2B project including Seller Hub; a set of online tools, analytics and views to help Business sellers grow their eBay revenue.

Tools: Figma, Sketch, Invision, Miro

Date: November 2016 - July 2018

The Seller Hub Overview page

The Seller Hub Overview page

Seller Hub Overview Page - Design Sprint

One of the projects I was responsible for was the overview page. Already established when I joined, a drive was made to obtain funding and rework the existing page. Bringing together a cross-functional team, we embarked on a 5-day design sprint to visualise an end-to-end journey and vision for Seller Hub (and the Overview page in particular). Ending with a day of direct feedback from Sellers.

The Problem space

There were a few problems with the current page. We’ve heard from many users, coming onto the page from C2C that it’s very overwhelming. At this time the analytics on the Overview page was not displayed in real-time. There was a need for better integration with third-party tools. And the page lacked any performance guidance.

The Process

The aim of the 5-day Design Sprint was not to produced hi-fi designs but validated hypotheses and scenarios, identify key opportunity spaces, and then present finding to target sellers. The process included various techniques such as ‘How Might We’s’, customer journey mapping, storyboarding and sketching.

How might we’s

How might we’s

Sketching out ideas

Sketching out ideas

Target users and personas

We identified 2 personas that would best represent the problem space. Nicole; a C2C seller who’s business just got large enough to move over to using Seller Hub for business analytics. And Daniel; a medium to large fast growing business owner, well versed in using seller hub, with a few employees.

User Journey

Based on our user journeys I made this graph to represent a typical day and the various pain-points for our 2 personas as we identified them.

Overview Sprint User Journey


Personalisation and Framework

Personalisation and Framework

Our vision for the new Overview were in 3 parts. We refined and simplified the Overview framework for sellers who rely heavily on the UX. We helped transition and grow small business owners in Seller Hub Overview framework, to graduate into bigger, more successful sellers. Finally, we presented a large business owner, called ‘Boss Mode’ with actionable insights, tailored to his business. Integration with third party tools presents opportunities and insights across all the seller channels.


Personalisation and Framework; A framework that serves the most important, actionable tasks first. And provides personalised guidance with AI named SellBot.

Overview Graduation; A personal coach that helps to grow your eBay business.

Boss Mode; Reduced the task based, focus on business health. Fully integrated with third party tools. Features channel and market comparison.

Prototyping in action

Prototyping in action

Overview Graduation

Overview Graduation



We presented the 3 prototypes to 5 sellers on the last day. Reactions were overall positive, we walked away with great feedback and interesting viewpoints.


More eBay Projects

Another project I worked on was a Notification framework for Seller Hub, to streamline and make messaging coherent. And a stepped guide to be used throughout Seller Hub.

Notifications Framework Bespoke nInvitations